1 | Effect of Substrate Concentration on Biomethanation of Water Hyacinth
Shankar BB, Jagadish H Patil, P L Muralidhara, Ramya M C, and Ramya R | 1 |
2 | Preparation of Starch-Reactive Dyed Pigment To Be Used In Emulsion Paint Formulation
Adamu, A. K., Yakubu, M. K. and Sunmonu, O. K. | 6 |
3 | Sustainable Village: Case Study Goodlands, Mauritius
Y. Baguant-Moonshiram, V. Bhujun, and M.D. Nowbuth | 11 |
4 | Determination of Phytoestrogenic Compounds of Soybean Sprouts Grown in Antalya, Turkey
Nevzat KONAR | 14 |
5 | Single nucleotide polymorphism in exon of ApoE receptor 2 gene associated with dyslipidemia in a Thai population
Polphet Thongket, Siriporn Chatsuriyawong, Weeranuch Seesom, and Wasana Sukhumsirichart | 18 |
6 | Effects of humic acids on the phytoextraction efficiency of sludge applied soil
Bulent Topcuoglu | 21 |
7 | The Patterns of Pomological Variation of Wild Plum (Prunus divaricata Ledeb.) in Kazdagi (Mt. Ida) Area of Turkey
M. Kubilay ÖNAL | 25 |
8 | Biodegradable micro- and nanofibers prepared from polyesteramides based on Ɛ-caprolactone and Ɛ-caprolactam
Daniela Lubasova, Lenka Martinova, Lenka Malinova and Jiri Brozek | 27 |
9 | Investigation Transportation Infrastructure In Developing Countries
Ashkan Tatari, Gholamreza Khorasani, Ali Yadollahi and Milad Rahimi | 31 |
10 | Study of Effect of Dust on the Next Phenomenon Qeshm Island Tourism
Dr. Amir Gandomkar | 36 |
11 | Food Safety Oriented Consumer Complaints in Sales Points Case of Milk and Dairy Products
Eylem TEMEL OZAT and Esef OZAT | 39 |
12 | The Bioactive Compounds of Tea and Decaffeinated Tea (Camellia sinensis)
Canan Goksu and Ender Sinan Poyrazoglu | 43 |
13 | Alteration of Attitude toward GM-Foods of Urban Consumer Depending Geographical Regions in Turkey
14 | Analysing some geotechnical properties of soils to predict the swelling potential in the left side of Mosul city using GIS methods
Dr. Suhail Idrees Abdulqader Khattab, Dr. Rasheed Saleem Abed and Bashar M. A. Abdullah Al-Imam | 52 |
15 | Performance of CFRP wrapped UHPC Columns under Axial Compression
Alperen Çopur, Soner Guler, Fatih Ozalp and Metin Aydogan | 57 |
16 | A Comparative Study Of Membrane And Extended Aeration Activated Sludge Pilot Scale Sewage Treatment Plant In Gassim Area, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Dr. Bader Jarallah S AlBuraidi | 61 |
17 | Effects of Aqueous extract of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) and Nitrogen rates on some Physiological attributes and yield of Tomato
M. A. Muhamman, B. M. Auwalu, A. A. Manga and J. M. Jibrin | 67 |
18 | Promoting Irrigation Water Utilization Efficiency In Superior Vineyards
A.S. El- Khawaga and A.M.A. EL-Naggar | 75 |
19 | Bioindicators of Biodiversity and Farming Practice in Rice Paddies
Takatoshi Ueno | 84 |
20 | Effect of Temperature on Adsorption of Humic Acid from Peat Water onto Pyrophyllite
Muhammad Ali. Zulfikar | 88 |
21 | Effect of legume seed protein isolates on autolysis and gel properties of surimi from Sardine (Sardinella albella)
Tanaji Kudre and Soottawat Benjakul | 91 |
22 | Chemical Properties Changes of Barbary Bread During Storage
Mohammad Hojjati, Behzad Nasehi and Hossein Jooyandeh | 102 |
23 | Postulation and identification of resistance genes against Puccinia triticina in new wheat cultivars in Egypt using molecular markers
Abdelbacki, A.M. M; Soliman, N.E.; Najeeb, M.A. and Omara, R.I. | 104 |
24 | Evaluation of Intelligent Transport System in Road Safety
Gholamreza Khorasani, Ashkan Tatari, Ali Yadollahi and Milad Rahimi | 110 |
25 | An Intelligent Algorithm for Traffic Signal Scheduling
Aiswaria. Mohan and Janet Lourds. Rani | 119 |
26 | The Need For Affordable Urban Settlement in Tebet-Jakarta: Challenge and Opportunity
Budi Arlius Putra | 124 |
27 | Application of Six Sigma Process Improvement Method on Construction Turnkey Projects
Wen-Bin Chiu and Lu-Mann Chang, PhD | 130 |
28 | The Empirical Study of Flood Risk Maps to Cultural Heritages in Taiwan
Jieh-Jiuh Wang | 135 |
29 | Identify the competence of Delineating subsurface extension of Eppawala apatite deposit using magnetic survey
Samaranayake SA, Nalin De Silva and Dahanayake U | 140 |
30 | Hydrobiological study of a Subtropical Shiwalik lake, Jammu, J&K (India)
Deepika Slathia and S.P.S. Dutta | 143 |
31 | Correlation between RMR and SMR Based on Field Data: A Case Study in Limestone Mining Area in Citatah, West Java, Indonesia
Md. Anisuzzaman, Dicky Muslim, Zufialdi Zakaria and Irvan Sophian | 149 |
32 | Preparation and structural Properties of Nanohexa Ferrite Doped with Lanthanum Rare Earth Ions
R. M. Kershi and Samir Osman Al- Asbahi | 153 |
33 | A study on the Adsorption of ammonium in Bentonite and Kaolinite
Poly. Buragohain, Dr. Sredeep.S, and Dr. Nadia . Saiyouri | 157 |
34 | Preputial Glands of Jerboa (Jaculus jaculus)
Omar A. Msheri and Latifa M. Khalil | 161 |
35 | A secondary metabolite with antibacterial activity produced by mangrove foliar fungus Schizophyllum commune
Elsa Lycias Joel and B.Valentin Bhimba | 165 |
36 | "Pitfalls" of bacterial identification methods
Sunita D Singh and. Parvathi.J.R | 169 |
37 | Thermophysiological Responses and Heat Tolerance of Saudi Camel Breeds
Al-Haidary A. A., E.M. Samara, A.B. Okab and K.A. Abdoun | 173 |
38 | A study on mortality of Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) when treated with various formulations of plant Phyllanthus amarus (Euphor
Hina Kosar and Meera Srivastava | 177 |
39 | A copper P-type ATPase in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) has a role in copper homeostasis
Ashraf Y. Z. Khalifa | 180 |
40 | Kinetic Model for Batch Cellulase Production by Aspergillus terreus at Different Levels of Dissolved Oxygen Tension using Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch F
Mahdi Shahriarinour and Mohd Noor Abdul Wahab | 185 |
41 | Heat Sensitivity between Human Normal Liver (WRL-68) and Breast Cancer (MDA-MB 231) Cell lines
Asita. E, and Salehhuddin. H. | 191 |
42 | Pressure drop analysis of natural gas Transmission line in Bangladesh
Mohd. Atiqueuzzaman Khan, Md.Shamsuddoha and Syed Al Imran Quraishy | 196 |
43 | Benign Degradation of Chlorinated Benzene in Ionic Liquids
Inas M. AlNashef, Mohd Ali Hashim, Farouq S. Mjalli and Maan Hayyan | 201 |
44 | Efficient Expression of Recombinant Soluble Apoptin in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis
Sahlan M. Savitri I. K., Prasetyo A.A., Onuma C., Ishikawa S., Malik A. and Ogasawara N. | 207 |