1 | Development of an Estuarine Management Policy with Reference to Australia
Sadiqul Awal, and M. Aminur Rahman | 1 |
2 | Efficiency and Limits of Physicochemical Treatment of dairy wastewater (Case study: dairy industry in western Algeria)
Khedidja. Benouis, Soria. Dahmani, and Khadidja. Berrebah | 9 |
3 | Crystal Structure of Robidium Nickel Thiocyanate Tetrahyderate Rb4Ni(SCN)6۰4H2O.
Dr. Bertha Abdu Danja | 12 |
4 | Study of Polymorphism of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Gene as a Genetic Marker for the Risk of Breast Cancer
Mohamed Abd Ellatif, Mohamed A. Zahran, Adel Denaiwar, Ayman Elbaz, and Hossin Abdel Azeez | 16 |
5 | Endemic Asteraceae from Mauritius Islands as Potential Phytomedicines
S.Kauroo, J.Govinden-Soulange, and D.E.P.Marie | 23 |
6 | Exploring the Toxic Effects of Pb & Ni on Stem Anatomy of Pisum Sativum L.
Jaishree Chaudhari, Kailash Patel, and Vrajesh patel | 28 |
7 | An Assessment of Microbial Water Quality of Shallow Wells For Drinking Purpose In Ringim Town, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Sunusi Bashari | 33 |
8 | Hospitals & Waste: A Pilot Study of Waste Generated By a Premier Hospital in India
Ashok Kumar, N U Pandey, A K Gupta, V Koushal, DVR Kiran, and P Mahajan | 37 |
9 | Porosity and Sorptivity of Aerated Concrete with Different Aluminium Powder Content
Rana Shabbar, Paul Nedwell, Moira Wilson and Zhangjian Wu | 39 |
10 | Application of MCNP Code in Shielding Design for Radioactive Sources
Ibrahim A. Alrammah | 43 |
11 | Evaluation of Air Flow Rate on the Growth of Haematococcus pluvialis
Bahar Aslanbay, Zeliha Demirel, and Esra Imamoglu | 50 |
12 | A Low-Cost Scalable Detection System for Forest Fires
Jahan Razavi, and Norm Brennan | 52 |
13 | Extracellular Enzyme Production of Probiotic Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07 isolated from tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)
M. Z. Nora Azirah, K. Murni, M. Y. Ina-Salwany, S. A. Harmin, I. Marini | 57 |
14 | Effect of Initial pH and Sulfide Concentrations on Sulfate Reduction Rate of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
Siripha. Ratanasit, Pornpan. Panichnumsin, Penjit. Srinophakun and Annop Nopharatana | 61 |
15 | Application of Design for Six Sigma Process Improvement Method for Integrated Engineering Execution in Design-Build Projects Wen-Bin Chiu | 64 |
16 | Synergistic Effect of Zinc and Cadmium for Uptake, Accumulation and Growth Responses in Rice (Oryza sativa) Varieties
Dinum Herath, Aruni Weerasinghe, Deepthi Bandara, and Darshani Wijayawardhana | 69 |
17 | Effect of Organic Matter Application on Growth of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Cadmium Contaminated Sand
Darshani Wijayawardhana, Aruni Weerasinghe, and Venura Herath | 74 |
18 | Effect of Effective Microorganisms and Vermiwash on Yield and Quality of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L.) in Hydroponic Cultivation
Udeni Devasinghe, and Lahiru Kularathna | 78 |
19 | Utilization of Microfinance by Different Enterprices, Sri Lanka
Thilini Kumari, Yapa Wickramasinghe and Dinum Herath | 82 |
20 | Amaranthus Pollen Allergens: Protein Diversity and Impact on Allergy Diagnosis
Syed Mohammed Hasnain, Halima Alsini, Abdulrahman Al-Frayh, Mohamed Osman Gad-El-Rab, and Ayodele A. Alaiya | 87 |
21 | Status, Prospects and Potentials of Echinoid Sea Urchins in Malaysia
Md. Shamim Parvez, M. Aminur Rahman, and Fatimah Md. Yusoff | 93 |
22 | Characterization of Fucoidan Extracted from Sargassum polycystum Different Habitats
Ellya Sinurat, Endang Saepudin, Rosmawaty Peranginangin, and Sumi Hudiyono | 96 |
23 | Research of Thermodynamic Parameters of Meat Products
Gulmira Kenenbay, Urishbay Chomanov, Tamara Tultabayeva, and Aruzhan Shoman | 100 |
24 | The Effects of Fulvic acid on Micronutrients Uptake of Citrus medica under Condition of Lime
Mehran mahmoudi, Maziar nazarmohammadi, Fakhroddin taheri otaghsara | 102 |
25 | Study the Effects of Fulvic Acid on QualitativeTraits of Citrus medica under Lime Condition
Mehran mahmoudi, and Maziar nazarmohammadi | 104 |
26 | Microflora Study of Koumiss
Tamara Tultabayeva, Aruzhan Shoman, Gulshara Abay, and Dana Aitimova | 106 |