1 | Investigation on Sr0.3Ba0.7Ce0.5Zr0.35Y0.1Sm0.05O3-δ perovskite for SOFC application
Nikdalila Radenahmad*, Ahmed Afif bin Abedin, Quentin Cheok, Seikh Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Sten Eriksson, and Abul Kalam Azad | 425 |
2 | Control of the Fine Cholesterol Particles Using Supercritical Compressed Antisolvent
Yousef Bakhbakhi, Sulaiman Alfadul, Meilana Putra, and Abdelhamid Ajbar | 430 |
3 | Potential Use of Low Pressure Gas Nozzles for Surface Flaming to Control Weeds
Selçuk Arslan, Nihat Tursun, and Duran Güleç | 434 |
4 | Geotechnical Assessment of Dimension stone Resources in Oman
Sobhi Nasir, Rajendran Sankaran, Mohmed El Ghali, Talal Hosni, Khaled Elzebdeh, and Ghazi Al-Rawas | 439 |
5 | Flower-Visiting by the Invasive Hornet Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Takatoshi Ueno | 444 |
6 | Wastes Recycling Via Their Utilization as Carbon Source for Single Cell Oil Production
Aouad Linda, and Saidi M | 449 |
7 | 3D Modeling in Tractography DTI -MRI of Anatomical Components of the Central Nervous System
Saidi. Mohamed, Selem Nabahet, and SM. Boukerche | 454 |
8 | Emotional Architecture - A Study of Tadao Ando's Genius Loci Design Philosophy and Design Syntax
Hao-Long Hsu, Yu-Li Chang, and Hsiu-Hui Lin | 456 |
9 | Numerical Analysis on Temperature Field of Airport Pavement with Phase Change Energy Storage Concrete
Chunzhi DU, Xiangyu HE, Jinming XUE, Binfei LIU, and Liangyu RAO | 464 |
10 | Assessment and Thorough Analysis of the Impact due to Earthquake on Industrial Structures in Bangladesh
Md Abdul Wahed, and Md. Arifujjaman | 468 |
11 | Distribution of Si Compounds in Surface Water of Brunei Bay, Borneo Island
Suhaimi Suratman, Yet Yin Hee and Norhayati Mohd Tahir | 471 |
12 | Synthesis, Characterisation and Antibacterial Activity of Novel Chalcones
Venkatachalam H., Jayashree B. S., Vignesh Shetty | 479 |
13 | Investigating the Mechanism of Water Inflow in Gas Wells in Fractured Gas Reservoirs and Designing a Controlling Method
Masoud Nasiri, and Iman Jafari | 482 |
14 | Improved Upstream Modeling Through Hierarchical Cluster-based Partial Least Squares Regression
Tahir Mehmood, Lars Snipen and Solve Sæbø. | 488 |
15 | Cancer GeneTherapy with Plasmid Expressing Anti-HER2/Neu Toxin
Khodarovich YM, Rakhmaninova DA, Kagarlitskiy GO, Deyev SM | 496 |
16 | Physical Security at Special Events
Gregory P. Staisiunas | 499 |