1 | Communitys Wisdom in the Process of Building Houses According to the Nature of Slope of Mountain
Dr. VG Sri Rejeki, and Yovita Indrajati | 258 |
2 | Participation Model for Conserving the Religious Heritage Buildings: Case Study of Chinese Temples along the North Coastal Area of Java
Dra. Bernadette Tyas Susanti PhD | 263 |
3 | An Examination of the Standard Rent System for its Suitability as a Solution to Korean Rental Housing Market
Hyewon. Kim, Kabsung. Kim, and Jihye. Han | 268 |
4 | A Study on Spatial Distribution Changes of The U-City Industry
Hojin. Jeong, and Kabsung Kim | 273 |
5 | Fundamental Study on Applying SIB to CPTED Projects
Jieun. Lee, and Kabsung. Kim | 277 |
6 | The Effects of Networks among Local Residents on Decision-Making in Housing Redevelopments
Sungjin Yun, and Kabsung Kim | 283 |
7 | A study of Public Rental House supply by Using Urban Public Land
Gwayoung. Park, and Kabsung. Kim | 290 |
8 | Carrying Capacity Based on Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Marginal Land for Catfish Farming in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta
Septriani, Nur Indah., Sudarmadji, and Baiquni | 295 |
9 | A Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Predicting Concentrations of Particle Pollution (PM10)
Phatarapon Vorapracha, Pongtep Phonprasert, Suparada Khanaruksombat, and Nuchanaporn Pijarn | 302 |
10 | Effect of EM Ball on DO, BOD and COD of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand
Hasan Seng, Suntisuk Dokkratoom, and Nuchanaporn Pijarn | 307 |
11 | Effect of Synthesis Conditions on % Yield of Silica Gel from Microwave Process
Nuchanaporn Pijarn, Hasan Seng, Suparada Khanaruksombat, Pongtep Phonprasert, and Phatarapon Vorapracha | 312 |
12 | Diversity of Grains of Rice Landraces of Northeastern Thailand
Praweena Maneerattanarungroj, Panadda Jermklang, Boonsong Kongsook, and Pitakpong Maneerattanarungroj | 317 |
13 | Evaluation of Some Trace Elements in Biological Samples of Egyptian Viral Hepatitis Patients under Nutrition Therapy
T. Elnimr, R. Morsy, A. El fert, and A. Ismail | 322 |
14 | Characterization of Fucoidan Extracted from Binuangeun�s Brown Seaweeds
Ellya Sinurat, Rosmawaty P, and dan Endang Saepudin | 329 |
15 | Electrochemical Study on the TiO2-CdS Phototcatalysis Activity deposited on Graphene
V. Punsa-nga, and V. Boonamnuayvitaya. | 333 |
16 | Simulation of Modified Sorption Enhanced Chemical Looping Reforming for Hydrogen Production from Biogas
A. Phuluanglue, W. Khaodee, S. Wongsakulphasatch, W. Kiatkittipong, A. Arpornwichanop, and S. Assabumrungrat | 339 |
17 | Sea Cucumber Fisheries: Global Status, Culture, Management and Extinction Risks
M. Aminur Rahman, Fatimah Md. Yusoff and A. Arshad | 344 |
18 | Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Accumulation in Fruit Tissues of a Selected Tomato Mutant
Khaldoun O. Al Sane | 349 |