IJCEBS Volume 3 Issue 1 (2015) ISSN 2320-4079 (Printed Version) ISSN 2320-4087 (Online Version)

    Sr. no.Title & author(s) namePage no.
    1Development of Chickpea (garbanzos) Based Food Products and Its Benefits to Human Nutrition

    Pelin B. Belino, Esther T. Botangen, Ines C. Gonzales, Fernando R. Gonzales, and Hilda L. Quindara

    2Monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from Four Locations in the Densely Populated Kuwait City in the State of Kuwait

    Abdirashid Elmi

    3Determination of Heavy Metal Contamination from Batik Factory Effluents to the Surrounding Area

    Noor Syuhadah S., N. Z. Md Muslim, and H. Rohasliney

    4Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Two Endemic Allium L. Taxa from Turkey

    Çiğdem Aydın, Cennet Özay, and Ramazan Mammadov

    5Anthropometric Measurements in PCOS & Non PCO Infertile Patients

    Dr. Suzan Omer Rasool

    6Screening of H. pylori Positive Patients for the Potential Presence of Atrophic Gastritis through Studying the Gastric Panel and Anti- Helicobacter An

    Amir H. Raziq, Fadhil A. Al-Abbudi, and Alaa H. Razak

    7Virulence Gene Loa22 � The Molecular Diagnostic Beacon of Canine Leptospirosis

    Meenambigai Timiri Varadarajan, Ravikumar Gopalakrishnan, Balakrishnan Govindan, Anupriya Rajendiran, and Kumanan Kathaperumal

    8Genetic Diversity in Farmed Tiger Grouper Broodstock inferred by Partial Cytochrome b Gene

    Noraini Che Hassan, Abdul Hadi Abdul Aziz, Nabilah Mohamad Ali, Nur Asma Ariffin, Ivan Koh Chong Chu, Sufian Mustafa, and Shahreza Md. Sheriff

    9Boosting Creativity Skills & Innovation in Architectural Design Process Using Multimedia

    Osama. Alrawi

    10The Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes

    Seyed Abolhasan. Naeini, Naeem. Gholampoor, and Rahele. Rezaei Kashki

    11Development of an Approach for Municipal GIS

    Prof P.K. Garg

    12Socio Economic Feasibility and Eco-Restoration of River Coovum, India

    S.Bharathidasan, T.K.Krushnadesikan, S.Kandasamy, and A.Abdul Rahman

    13Environmental Impacts of Rock Blasting and Their Mitigation

    Dhekne P. Y.

    14Use of Discarded Water Bottles in Blasting- An Innovative Enviro-Friendly Technique

    Manoj Pradhan, Vineeth Balakrishnan, and G K Pradhan

    15Imbalance of Antiendotoxin Immunity in Patients with Systemic lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and its Influence on the Persistent Systemic Inflammation

    Denys V. Shaduro, Vladimir A. Beloglazov, and Andrei I. Gordienko

    16Influence of Ethyl Alcohol on to the Condition of Normal and Polycystic Ovaries Left after Unilateral Ovariectomy (Experimental Research)

    Lyashchenko Olga I.

    17Evaluation of Different Maize Varieties (Zea Mays L.) for Drought Tolerance in Relation to Root and Yield Parameters in Gaya LGA Sudan Savannah

    Magashi A. I, Sarkin Fulani M., Jari S., and Sadiq B. A.

    18Effects of NPK Fertilizer Rates on Seed Yield of Some Local Cultivars of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean (L.) Verdc.)

    B.B. Jakusko, and M.E. Dakato

    19Effect of Some Micro and Macro Nutrients on Seed Yield and Oil Content of Rapeseed (Brassica Napus L.)

    Abdollah Bahrani

    20Effect of Complex Supplements on the Rheological properties of Dough

    Gulzhan Zhumaliyeva, Urishbay Chomanov, Gulmira Kenenbay, Aruzhan Shoman, Gulaina Nurynbetova, and Timur Sultanbek

    21Species Composition, Richness, Density and Distribution of Climbers in Relation to Salinity in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh

    Gazi Mosharof Hossain, Mohammad Sayedur Rahman, and Saleh Ahammad Khan

    22Fatty Acids Composition of Plant Oils

    Tamara Tultabayeva, Urishbay Chomanov, Bakhtiyar Tultabayev, Alibek Tursunov, Aruzhan Shoman, and Rabiga Kassymbek

    23Study of ω-3,6,9 Fatty Acids Content in Horse Fat

    Tamara Tultabaeva, Urishbay Chomanov, Bakhtiyar Tultabayev, and Aruzhan Shoman

    24Study of Fatty Acids Content of Lipids in Mares and Camels Milk

    Tamara Tultabayeva, Urishbay Chomanov, Bakhtiyar Tultabayev, Aruzhan Shoma

    25Sausages Sensory Analysis

    Gulmira Kenenbay, Urishbay Chomanov, Tamara Tultabayeva, and Aruzhan Shoman

    26Evaluation of Leaf Powder and Extract of Datura Stramonium in Controlling Root Knot Nematode [Meloidogyne Javanica (Chitwood) 1949] on Sweet Melon in

    Umar, I. and Ngwamdai, P. A.

    27Potent Cancer Suppressing Boon from Natures Marine Algal Beds

    Shalini Nair, and Valentin Bhimba

    28Correlation of Thalamus and Periaqueductal Gray Signals to understand Pain Arousal mechanism in Human Brain

    Handa. Y
